A 13-week mentorship journey & online-course to finding your purpose in the most empowering, intuitive, and Soul-guided way.



Can you hear this calling deep inside of you?

Your Soul has a very unique plan for you. We all incarnated on this planet for a reason. And this hunger in your heart that's been craving for more - it's not imagination. It is your Soul, reminding you of your mission that's literally written in the stars.

This is for the woman who is ready to manifest the life that wholeheartedly fulfills her.

With the dawning of the Aquarian Age, we're currently experiencing one of the most profound shifts in the collective. The rise of the Divine Feminine is inevitable, and Mother Gaia needs new leaders, creatives, and guides who are being led by their Hearts.

The world needs your voice, skills, talents, and unique gifts - now more than ever. The world needs you to be in your truth and act from a place of integrity.
The world needs your big visions.

It takes a brave Soul to take the path less traveled. Only those who are willing to transform their lives to align with their sacred mission will experience how miraculous it can be to live a purposeful life.

Read on if you can feel a buzzing feeling in your body and excitement in your heart. It is not a coincidence that you landed here on this page. You were meant to find it. I invite you to embark on the most important journey of your life: the journey to the depths of your true self.


✧  You are a seeker of your life's purpose and finally want to step into your power and share your gifts with the world - now you need help with figuring out your path

✧  You desire to live your truth and learn how to express your uniqueness in a bold and unapologetic way

✧  You have a big vision for your life, and deep down, you know that there is 'more' out there for you

✧  You are deep and sensitive, and you want to know how to use these superpowers in a mind-driven world that desperately needs more people like you

You're done with people-pleasing and trying to fit into a box. You're ready to liberate yourself from social conditioning to feel empowered and self-confident to follow your own path

✧  You are willing to overcome your limiting beliefs and anything that's blocking you from living the life you desire

✧  You feel ready to finally listen to your Soul's Calling so that you can live as the embodied version of your Highest Potential


What if you could have the unshakable confidence to do exactly what you want to do in this life?

✧   You wake up every morning feeling lit up by your life, work, and mission, and you know that you are here for a reason.

✧   You know how to overcome any obstacles in your life because you've got the right tools and are deeply connected to your truth, personal power, and the divine.

✧   You know how to trust your intuition, and you feel connected to your feminine, intuitive, creative, sensual, magnetic, and receptive energy.


We've been taught to be afraid of the unknown. Afraid of raw emotions. Afraid of our own authentic truth. And even more so, afraid of personal power - because the fear of failure is always in the back of our minds.

But what if I told you that it is absolutely possible to liberate yourself from all of these fears and limitations, and that this will give you the satisfaction and fulfillment that you're seeking?

The Evolving Goddess® Mentorship was tailored to you who finally wants to awaken the Goddess within and claim her power.

You can achieve anything you desire in life. However, self-actualization comes from knowing yourself first and knowing how to use your skills. Reconnecting to your truth & personal power is the key to living a purposeful life.

Just like nature, life is an endless cycle of life-death-rebirth. Constant transformation and evolution are inevitable. We are a part of nature, and you can learn how to use the cycles of your own life to align with your truth.

During our time together, I will meet you wherever you are on your personal journey and will customize the experience to your needs and expectations.

Are you ready to shift your reality and answer your Soul's Calling?

  • 13 weeks of high-level private mentoring, including:
  • Weekly 60-minute 1:1 coaching sessions and text support in between video calls
  • One in-depth Astrology Natal Chart reading that's focused on your destiny & skills
  • Twelve guided Ceremonies with powerful Soul-journeys, using ancient ritual arts
  • Lifetime access to the contents of the online course & any of its future upgrades
  • Weekly new video content, audio files, documents & editable worksheets
  • A life-changing journey to empowerment and sovereignty
  • Surprise gifts

  • Access to a timeless and exclusive library with 20+ bonus modules
  • Goddess-Tools like extra Guided Meditations, Feminine Embodiment Practices, activating Yoga-flow, Breathwork, Tapping, and more!

Kristin ~ Client Testimonial

"The last 13 weeks, I experienced a wonderful, intense journey to my deepest and true self. From the beginning, I felt a deep connection to Elaine, and every cell in my body wanted to work with her as a mentor. I would even go so far as to say my soul decided to get into this mentorship with her, long before my mind made the last decision. During that time, I worked very intensively on my whole being. When I started this journey, I felt disconnected from myself, unbalanced, and did not know my purpose and what my soul truly desired. Elaine guided me with all her strength, wisdom, and experience as a spiritual mentor. She always asked the questions I needed to know to get into my deepest wounds and traumas that I had repressed for so many years. I learned so much about my feminine energy and how to get back into my power. After all this time, now I feel like a phoenix, reborn, like I stripped off my old skin. I remembered who I really am, a strong, wonderful woman who finally knows her truth and purpose in life. I can only encourage every woman who wants to step into her feminine power and explore her whole potential to work with Elaine. She is a wonderful, special mentor who empowers you, guides and supports you with so much love and a gentle and warm energy that makes you feel like coming home. I am so thankful for this journey."


Gaining more than a decade's worth of profound wisdom and learning practical tools &  spiritual practices for life.

Core Alchemy

Exploring your Shadows and your Light while transforming yourself into the Queen you came here to be and express.


Reclaiming your sovereignty and embodying your feminine, intuitive, creative, sensual, and authentic self.


Uncovering your Natal Chart & unique Celestial Code to understand what your Soul has planned for you in this lifetime.


12 guided weekly Ceremonies & meditations will take you on an enlightening and uplifting Soul-journey.

Are you ready to start this journey?



Women's Mentor  •  Certified Life Coach  •  NLP Master Practitioner  •  Yoga Teacher
Aquarius Rising / Cancer Sun / Gemini Moon

I believe that every woman is a beautiful Goddess who deserves to live life to its fullest in her most authentic and empowered expression. I want to see you rise above your self-doubts and step into your Light where you belong - without self-imposed limitations. I'd love to see you follow your heart and pursue your unique Soul-mission so that we can co-create a beautiful world together.

I've been on my own spiritual journey for more than 20 years, and I've always felt a deep, unexplainable connection to ancient or pagan cultures and the way our ancestors used to live with the rhythms of nature. Astrology has been a key element in finding my Soul's purpose, which is guiding women to embody their bold, intuitive, sovereign, and radiant self.

In serendipitous ways, the universe has been offering me many opportunities. I worked in the marketing-, Yoga-, fashion-, modeling-, and music industry. These extraordinary experiences have challenged me in ways non-replicable for most. My non-linear journey has taught me a lot about self-expression, self-confidence, and self-evolution. I was an over-achiever, but I wasn't very good at listening to my heart or taking care of myself.

I felt depleted on a Soul-level. Doing too many things that 'sounded exciting' but weren't coming from my heart literally burnt me out. Due to ignoring my Soul's Calling for way too long, it had become really quiet. So I was forced to take a break from everything, work through my mental and emotional shadows, and recalibrate myself until I felt in alignment with my true Soul-path again.

Now I want to share everything I've learned along my own journey and be your guide while you're becoming the embodiment of your highest potential.

The Evolving Goddess® Mentorship

1 ~ Invocation

Unveil your Soul's Plan for this life and activate your personal power. Find out who you are on the deepest level and rekindle your intuitive Soul-guidance. Reconnect to your natural cycles and Sacred Feminine Wisdom.

2 ~ Temple

Elevate your sense of self-worth. Learn how to set strong boundaries while empowering yourself and grounding yourself into your truth. Drop back into your core essence and express yourself unapologetically.

3 ~ Shadows

Illuminate the Shadows. Explore your subconscious mind and emotional body. Discover your limiting beliefs and become aware of your negative patterns and habits. Learn how to reframe your mindset and shift your energy.

4 ~ Roots

Reconnect to your Roots and liberate yourself from energetic imprints that aren't yours to carry anymore. Learn how to channel ancestral wisdom and power to guide you on your destined mission on Earth.

5 ~ Embodiment

Learn how to fully trust your intuitive guidance and embody your inner Goddess. Radiate your activated boldness and Feminine Sovereignty. Become magnetic to finally manifest the life of your dreams.

6 ~ Goddess Rising

Express your unlimited potential and ever-evolving personal truth. Follow your Soul's Calling and pursue your Divinely Guided Mission. Utilize your light to give back and contribute to the co-creation of a world you desire.

Ana ~ Client Testimonial

"The Evolving Goddess Mentorship is one of the best things that ever happened to me. I evolved so incredibly much during these 13 weeks.  I was disconnected from my divine feminine energy for more than 20 years, and Elaine and her wisdom helped me reconnect to it and awaken it. I always knew that all the answers are within myself, but now I also have the tools to work with myself in order to find out my truth. And I did. I managed to step into a new version of myself by the end of the 13 weeks. Now I know who I am on a soul level. Now I do indeed feel truly empowered. Now, I do have a very clear image of my purpose and mission. I feel very connected to my path, I know what I am meant to do and I deeply feel what my soul wants to do. Elaine created an extraordinary journey to yourself - a journey that you can embark on with mind, body, and soul. For me, she is the most wonderful mentor, and I feel grateful that I got the chance to work with her. Not only does she share her wisdom in ways that speak to you, but she also gives pushes to take action while she is still VERY gentle about it. I loved the Mentorship so much! It was a blessing I looked forward to every day. I woke up every day very excited to open the platform to dive into the material. The platform is like a little portal to an utopic world/dimension. This was not just a simple course, this is a tool that I can use for the rest of my life in order to keep leveling up. I remember that I wanted to enroll into the program for a very long time, yet I kept thinking that I'm not evolved enough until one day when I decided to take a leap of faith and let go of all excuses because there's no such thing as "the perfect moment". If the Mentorship is calling you, follow your heart. It's the best decision you can make for yourself!"


2222 €

One time payment

(payment plan available)

  • Includes lifetime access to the program and any of its future upgrades
  • 12 weekly 1:1 coaching sessions via video call
  • One 90-minute 1:1 Soul Plan Astrology Reading
Inanna, the Sumerian Goddess of Heaven and Earth, was one of the biggest inspirations for creating this mentorship course. Her heroic journey to the underworld represents everything about embracing darkness and soaring into the light.

Hungry for 'more' and in search of wisdom and her dark feminine side, Inanna decided to descend into the underworld. Equipped with what made her feel strong in this earthly realm, she wore her finest robe, adornments, and jewelry.

Yet, at the gate into the underworld, the Guardian asked her to take off a piece of her royal garment before she was allowed to enter. So she took off a piece of jewelry and entered. But she encountered 6 more gates and was asked to take off another layer at each.

After the 7th gate, she entered the underworld, stripped down naked from all earthly attachments, her ego, and even her identity.

Naked to the core, Inanna was confronted with the transformational power of the unknown and her shadows. The old version of her needed to die so she could embrace her pure essence and truth. She experienced a literal death and spent a few days in darkness.

With the help of her earthly companion, who had been looking for her, she was revived by the waters of life and ascended from the underworld like a blazing Phoenix - having learned so much about herself, her darkness, and her light.

Inanna teaches us that we will never truly know ourselves or our potential until we meet our own shadows. Underneath all of our stories, programming, and limiting beliefs, we will get to our True Self. This is where our real power and potential lie.

~ Annie ~

"Elaine has a presence in coaching that makes you feel comfortable enough to talk through uncomfortable parts of life. She asks questions that hits the nail right on the head, and helps you in developing a better understanding for how to change, overcome, or grow- depending on the issue you’re facing. If you’re looking for a coach that’s in-tune spiritually, and that wants to help women feel empowered, then Elaine is the one to ask for guidance."

~ Inna ~

"Working with Elaine turned into deep self-connecting expedition for me. She helped me to find time to listen to myself and pay attention to what I hear and feel. As a result not only I got deeper understanding of my true motivation and desires but began trust myself better and make decisions in deeper integrity to me. Elaine led me to expand and align my inner-world."

~ Shilpa ~

"Elaine's focus on being authentic and true to my inner beliefs has taught me how to be comfortable with my lifestyle choices, views, and thoughts. She has given me clarity on how to put my needs first and care about myself before I can care about others. She has helped me identify and celebrate every small win instead of just waiting for that one big dream to materialize. Thank you Elaine for opening my mind to new ways of celebrating myself and life in general."

~ Dominika ~

"I love working with Elaine. She has been invaluable in exploring the depths of my mind. Her knowledge, skills and intuition have resulted in changing my mindset and opening my mind and heart to new possibilities. Intuitive. A wonderful listener. Spiritually nourishing. Thank you for helping me discover new dimensions of reality."



Are you curious to explore how working together could change your life?

Or would you like to get to know me personally to see if we are a fit? 



Dear beautiful woman, I would love to walk this path alongside you.

If you're still reading, what are you waiting for?

Together, we’re going to dive deep into the aspects of you that aren’t in full expression and come into balance within yourself, allowing you to feel more in your power and aligned with your Soul to live your highest purpose.

Spots are limited. Women of any age, color, shape, size, background, or story are welcome.