Start your Journey
to Self-Empowerment & Purpose

We all incarnated on this planet for a reason. And this hunger in your heart that's been craving for more - it's not imagination.
It is your Soul, reminding you of your mission that's literally written in the stars.
With the dawning of the Aquarian Age, we're currently experiencing one of the most profound shifts in the collective. The rise of the Divine Feminine is inevitable, and Mother Gaia needs new leaders, creatives, and guides who are being led by their Hearts.
The world needs your voice, skills, talents, and unique gifts - now more than ever.
The world needs you to be in your truth and act from a place of integrity.

The world needs your big visions.
It takes a brave Soul to take the path less traveled. Only those who are willing to transform their lives to align with their sacred mission will experience how miraculous it can be to live a purposeful life.
Your Body is a Temple
for your Goddess Energy to thrive
Your physical body is a place where the divine meets you, anchoring your Soul to this planet during your incarnation.
It is a sacred temple for your Goddess Energy that wants to be expressed by you.
And a sacred temple must stand on strong pillars.
True empowerment begins with building a solid foundation within yourself so that it can be expressed.
There are 6 core pillars in my work, and each one of them stands for a vital aspect of your journey toward self-realization and empowerment and upholds your inner sanctuary.

The six Pillars
of your Inner Temple

By strengthening these pillars, you create a stable, nurturing environment for your Goddess energy to thrive.
It allows your Divine Feminine power to fully awaken, anchor, and radiate through your physical being
In my work, we will focus on these aspects:
✦ Liberation
Liberate yourself from old belief systems, self-doubts & self-sabotaging patterns, and illuminate your shadows.
✦ Spirituality
Strengthen the connection with your intuition and the divine. Learn how to tap into your inner wisdom, truth, and guidance.
✦ Metamorphosis
Shed your old layers of identity, transform your life, and finally step into your next version. Recalibrate & realign.Â
✦ Empowerment
Goddess-Up your Life on every level, reconnect to your authentic truth, and tap into your innate power & strengths.
✦ Purpose
Find your purpose in the most intuitive, Soul-guided way by reconnecting to your deeper 'Why' & finally listening to your calling.
✦ Expression
Self-expression is a part of your purpose and essential for your embodiment as a divine creator here on Earth. Show the world the real you.

We will never truly know ourselves or our potential until we meet our own shadows. Underneath all of our stories, programming, and limiting beliefs, we will get to our True Self.
This is where our real power and potential lie.
Women's Mentor
Certified Life Coach • NLP Master Practitioner • Yoga Teacher • Intuitive • Artist
Over 20 years ago, I embarked on my spiritual journey. I've always felt a deep, inexplicable connection to ancient and pagan cultures, especially the way our ancestors lived in harmony with nature's rhythms. Since then, I've been passionately exploring and learning everything I can about sacred mysteries, spirituality, and the divine.
The universe has provided me with countless serendipitous opportunities along the way. I've worked in the marketing, yoga, fashion, modeling, and music industries. These extraordinary experiences have uniquely shaped me, teaching me about self-expression, self-confidence, and the beauty of neverending self-evolution.
However, despite all I pursued, it took time to fully understand my soul's calling. It wasn't until 2019, after a pivotal "zero-point" moment in my life, that I began questioning almost everything. Enter some heavy Pluto and Saturn transits.
From that moment on, I consciously worked on my mindset, healed my shadows, and embraced my intuitive gifts, using astrology as a key tool for transformation. Transformation, after all, is literally written in my stars.
I went through a personal metamorphosis, leaving behind my old self, radically changing my life, and stepping into my true calling as a mentor—something I always felt called to do.
Now, I'm here to share what I've learned and guide you in your own transformation, helping you step into the embodiment of your highest potential.