Meeting your Future Self - Guided Meditation

Welcome to this episode of the Goddess-up your Life Podcast.

I would like to introduce you to the monthly meditations that I’m going to share. In my opinion, meditation is one of the most amazing tools to receive guidance and to connect with your Soul, your subconscious mind, your inner child, your spirit guides and ancestors, and the divine in general.

As part of this podcast, I want to offer you monthly meditations that have helped me on my own path to gain clarity, wisdom, inner healing, and a lot of inspiration.

Today, I’m sharing the first practice with you, which is also one of my favorites. It’s a visualization of your Future Self to feel into what life could be like for you once you are living in alignment with your purpose. If you can, I recommend diving into this practice with your eyes closed in a very comfortable position.

After the practice, take some time to integrate and journal on what you saw, felt, or experienced.

Remember that dreams and visions only become reality once you take inspired action to realize them. It’s not just enough to want something and dream about it, you also need to do actually something to put things in motion.

The universe responds to your energy. Now I invite you to follow along with this guided meditation.

If you liked this episode, feel free to share it with a friend. And if you have any questions or feedback, you can send a message to [email protected] or send me a message on Instagram @elaine_valerie

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The Guided Mediation starts at 01:50 minutes.