1:1 Soul Plan Astrology Reading
(One 90-minute session via Zoom)
This is an Agreement between Elaine Valerie, (“Coach”) and you, the Client, for one 90-minute Soul Plan Astrology Reading session. (“Services”).
All sales are final for this service. By clicking “Buy Now,” “Complete Order,” or any other phrase on the purchase button, entering your Paypal/credit card information, or otherwise rendering payment (either in-full or partial) for the product for which these terms appear (“Session,“ “Product,“ “Service,” “Course,” and/or “Program”), you (“Client” and/or “Customer”) agree to be provided with products, programs, or services by Elaine Valerie ("Owner"), and you are executing a legally binding agreement with the Coach, subject to the following terms and conditions:
The Coach is not a therapist, medical professional, counselor, employee, manager, psychiatrist, psychologist, or other agent of Client.
This Soul Plan Astrology Reading Session includes no guarantees as to Client’s results simply by participating in the Session. Customer acknowledges that, as with any endeavor and investment, there is an inherent risk associated. Client agrees that Coach will not be held liable for any damages of any kind resulting or arising from the use or misuse of the Soul Plan Astrology Reading Session. Client agrees to indemnify and hold Coach harmless for any claims that may arise related to participation in this Session.
This Soul Plan Astrology Reading Session includes the following Services:
- One (1) 90-minute call to be held via Zoom
Coach has a strict rescheduling policy to respect the time and limited resources of all parties. All rescheduling requests must be made in writing no later than 24 hours prior to the scheduled call and must include a proposed time to reschedule. Client can only reschedule 1 time. Failure to comply with this policy may result in forfeiture of the call with no money back.
(a) Upon execution of this Agreement, Client agrees to pay to the Coach the full purchase amount for the Product, regardless of what payment option Client selects at checkout.
(b) If Client selects a payment plan option, Client authorizes Coach to charge the card or account used at checkout to complete all payments pursuant to the payment plan.
(c) Coach reserves the right to collect any and all monies owed by Client to Coach for the Session, by any means necessary within the parameters of the law. The Client shall pay for any fees associated with recouping payment, including but not limited to, collections fees and attorneys’ fees.
Due to the digital and educational nature of this Session, there are no refunds permitted under any circumstance. Dissatisfaction or disapproval with Coach’s methods is not a valid reason for a refund or excuse to make remaining payments due & owed under this Agreement.
Client agrees to keep Coach’s proprietary information confidential. “Confidential Information” includes, but is not limited to:
- Any systems, sequences, processes, or steps shared with Client;
- Any information disclosed in association with this Agreement;
- Any trade secrets in connection with the Session or Coach’s business practices.
Coach promises to value your personal and business information and keep such information confidential. However, by purchasing the Soul Plan Astrology Reading Session, Client hereby agrees to Coach sharing Client’s general wins as a testimonial on Coach’s website, social media accounts, and other marketing platforms.
This Product contains information that is the intellectual property belonging to Coach and to third-parties that license some intellectual property to Coach. Coach provides Client with a non-exclusive, non-transferrable single-user license authorizing Client to use the materials for their individual purposes only. Client may not share, sell, re-use, reproduce, repurpose or otherwise distribute Coach’s intellectual property without prior written consent from Coach.
(a) Entire Agreement - This Agreement reflects the entire agreement between the Client and Coach related to the Session and Services discussed herein.
(b) Choice of law - The governing law for this Agreement is Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
(c) Arbitration - Any disputes arising under this Agreement shall first be resolved through a binding arbitration.
(d) All Rights Reserved - All rights not expressly granted in this Agreement are reserved by us.
(e) Term - The Term of this Agreement shall be effective from the date of execution until Services are rendered.
(f) Termination - Client dissatisfaction with Coach’s subjective teaching style, independent judgment, methods, or other techniques are not valid reasons for termination of this Agreement or request of any monies returned to Client. Even if Client does not complete all portions of the Soul Plan Astrology Reading Session, Client is nevertheless responsible for all payments due and owed under this Agreement by making the first payment of the Session at checkout and executing this Agreement.